Jane Ear's Happy Story March 2008

Jane was very clear about needing personal space by swatting (with claws out) people and other cats who got too close too fast. Yet she also loved attention. If I started petting her before she realized human hands were touching her, she would purr and nest in her bedding. None of the other Cat House volunteers would touch her because she swatted at them. Jane's affection and playfulness with me perplexed the other volunteers.

I finally gave in and brought her home in March. After sniffing her room briefly, she started purring and rubbing against me and rolling around on the floor so I could pet her. I was astounded that she was so obviously happy so soon after arriving home. She's an entirely different cat at home than she was in The Cat House. She's been affectionate with everyone that she's met and Jane E rarely swats without giving warning first. I'm glad that she feels so safe and loved at home, but it's disheartening to know that she was so uncomfortable and unhappy in the adoption center that she was always poised to fight.
Jane E has her own room in my house that she knows is safe. The other cats don't breach the doorway without her permission.
In her room are the pink cat beds that came home with her. She has an affinity for anything hot pink. I, on the other hand, very much dislike pink. But for Jane E, I have made an exception to not having pink in my house. In fact, I've bought her pink toys and blankets! Perched in the window in her room, she can view three bird-feeding areas. Jane E was surprisingly quick to explore the entire house. One day, early on, I heard a chorus of growling in another room. When I investigated, I found my two old cats huddled together on the couch watching Jane consider entering the living room. I wish I had a picture of these two, enormous (part Maine Coon), geriatric cats terrified that this dainty, young girl was even CONSIDERING ENTERING the room! 8-) Overall, the cats have all been great about giving each other the space they need as we adjust.

Update to the story: Jane Ear died the day after
Thanksgiving in 2007. About six months later, I adopted another very special cat, Greystoke, from Feline Friends.
(Published as the lead article in the April 17, 2006 edition of The Update: Pierce College Employee Newsletter.)